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View AllGAAAT 独自のアート表現:MCA (Metal Canvas Art)
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The archway is such an ubiquitous design that we see it so often in ancient ruins and even modern architecture. Old stone archways however tend to evoke a rather unique sense of purpose and wonder, telling us quite a bit about the civilization which built it. Given this intriguing property, the archway became the base concept and composition idea I had for this piece. For the character subject, I opted to create a design that complemented this sense of mystery and wonder. The white haired girl and cat traveling through a set of ruins made for a fantastical mood, while the color palette blended in well with the moonlight. To complement the cool tones of the night, a field of fireflies beneath the archway illuminates it from below with a warm glow. The movement of the characters also adds a simple but important dimension to the composition, to give the viewers a sense of purpose and imply the passage of time.