シンガポールを拠点に活動する、ファンタジーやSFの世界に生きる女性たちをリアルなタッチで描き出すイラストレーター。 多くの人を魅了する世界観を表現し、ハリウッド映画『ゴースト・イン・ザ・シェル』のプロモーションイラストも手掛けた。 Instagramのフォロワーは113万人にものぼり、2冊の画集を英語版/日本語版で出版している。
Hi everyone, I’m GUWEIZ, an artist from Singapore that enjoys sharing his original artwork with the world! I’m someone that started drawing comparatively late in life, only really taking things seriously starting at the age of 17. However, I loved the process of creating artworks, and was quickly addicted! I learnt mostly by watching and observing great art, and scenes from real life and movies, having not attended any formal art education.
I gave up on the academic path I had been on for my entire life when I left university after one semester to fully pursue what I wanted to do. Very luckily, and with the kind support of my family and many others, I have been able to persist till today. Along the way, I was also fortunate to experience various aspects of working as a freelance artist - from creating book covers, promotional illustrations, to designing concept art for games, I learnt a lot from the opportunities I was given. I’ve also had the great fortune of having two artbooks published with 3dtotal as well as holding my first solo exhibition with Hanada Gallery. It’s been more than 10 years since I picked up the pencil, and eventually stylus. Nowadays, I focus primarily on honing my skills creating original art while taking on commissions and work when I can. I’m always looking forward to sharing better and better artworks with everyone!